All posts by Steph

My name is Steph. I like to blog and stuff. A new paragraphamatron.

Friday, October 3, 2014 – to upgrade to WordPress 4.0, ‘Benny’ will be upgraded to WordPress 4.0 on Friday, October 3, 2014 between 6:00am and 8:00am. users and visitors to your sites may experience a brief outage during this time.

This upgrade includes some feature changes, security fixes and performance updates.
Details can be found here.

Please report any problems you may experience post-upgrade via the form linked on our Contact Us page.

What’s New in “Benny”?

  • Media manager given a grid layout
  • embeds can now be previewed in the post/page editor ( Check out all of the embeds that WordPress supports.)

Friday, May 16, 2014 – to upgrade to WordPress 3.9.1, ‘Smith’ will be upgraded to WordPress 3.9.1 on Friday, May 16, 2014 between 6:00am and 8:00am. users and visitors to your sites may experience a brief outage during this time.

This upgrade includes some feature changes, security fixes and performance updates.
Details can be found here.

Please report any problems you may experience post-upgrade via the form linked on our Contact Us page.

What’s New in “Smith”?

  • Visual Editor updated to improve speed, accessibility and mobile support, in addition to improved ability to accept content copied from word processing software.
  • Drag & drop, and edit images in the post editor
  • Preview image galleries in the post editor
  • Create audio and video playlists

Friday, February 07, 2014 – to upgrade to WordPress 3.8.1, ‘Parker’ will be upgraded to WordPress 3.8.1 on Friday, February 07, 2014 between 6:00am and 8:00am. users and visitors to your sites may experience a brief outage during this time.

This upgrade includes some feature changes, security fixes and performance updates.
Details can be found here.

Please report any problems you may experience post-upgrade via the form linked on our Contact Us page.

What’s New in “Parker”?

  • a new look and feel to the admin panel and Dashboard
  • a new default theme, Twenty Fourteen (see it in action!)

Friday, December 06, 2013 – to upgrade to WordPress 3.7.1, ‘Basie’’ will be upgraded to WordPress 3.7.1 on Friday, December 06, 2013 between 7:00am and 8:00am. users and visitors to your sites may experience a brief outage during this time.

This is upgrade includes some feature changes, security fixes and performance updates.
Details can be found here.

Please report any problems you may experience post-upgrade via the form linked on our Contact Us page.

What’s New in “Basie”?

  • mostly background changes, such as automatic updates for minor releases
  • no real interface changes

Friday, August 23, 2013 – to upgrade to WordPress 3.6, ‘Oscar’ will be upgraded to WordPress 3.6 on Friday, August 23, 2013 between 7:00am and 8:00am.

This is upgrade includes some feature changes, security fixes and performance updates. Details can be found here.

Please report any problems you may experience post-upgrade via the form linked on our Contact Us page.

What’s New in “Green”?

Here are some of the highlights of WordPress 3.6. There are many many more updates that may not be as apparent.

  • New Twenty Thirteen theme
  • Post locking and improved autosave of posts and pages
  • Improved Menu editor

Twitter Plugins UPDATED – Please Read

This summer, the Twitter plugins on blogs (WordTwit and Tweet Blender) stopped functioning, as they had not been updated by their developers to work with a new Twitter API. We first reported this problem back in June, and have been working to resolve the issue since then.

We are happy to report that both of the plugins we were using have now been updated. If you were using either plugin previously, please see the details below to find out what you need to do in order to re-establish them on your site. Neither plugin will automatically start working again without your intervention.

We apologize for the time it has taken to get everything working again, and are thankful for your ongoing patience.

Twitter Plugin Details:

We’re *finally* back up and running with both of our Twitter plugins.

WordTwit, the plugin used to send a tweet when a new post is published on your blog, has now been updated. If you were using WordTwit previously, you will need to reconfigure the plugin – it will not automatically work. The new Twitter API has some new requirements, so the setup is a little bit more complicated. Instructions are available in the plugin’s own pages – please read them carefully.

Tweet Blender, the plugin we use to display tweets on our blogs, has also been updated. If you were using TweetBlender previously, you will need to go to the “Status” tab in the plugin and re-authenticate Twitter (by entering your username and password).

Feature Update: Password Protect Your Blog

We are happy to announce that blog administrators can now password protect their blogs.

This allows you to assign a single password to control access to your blog, offering a level of privacy that we didn’t have previously.

This is great news for sites that contain private content that is meant to be shared with select visitors from outside the University.

The new option has been added to our Site Visibility and Privacy instruction page.

Twitter Plugins Not Functioning – UPDATE JUNE 25

You may have noticed that the Twitter plugins on blogs (WordTwit and Tweet Blender) are no longer functioning.

This is due to a change that Twitter implemented yesterday, retiring their old API (v.1) in favour of a new API (v1.1). Unfortunately, most of the WordPress Twitter plugins still utilize API v.1, and have not yet been updated for v1.1. As such, these plugins have stopped working properly.

We are working to find a solution for It is my hope that the developers of the two plugins we use will provide us with quick updates. In the meantime, we have been testing other plugins, in the event that updates aren’t provided soon.

The developers of WordTwit have confirmed that they are working on an update, so we hope to have this plugin updated soon.

We apologize for this inconvenience, and will do our best to ensure this is resolved quickly.

June 13 UPDATE:

WordTwit, the plugin used to send a tweet when a new post is published on your blog, has now been updated. If you were using WordTwit previously, you will need to reconfigure the plugin – it will not automatically work. The new Twitter API has some new requirements, so the setup is a little bit more complicated. Instructions are available in the plugin’s own pages – please read them carefully.

June 25 UPDATE:

The developer of Tweet Blender has recently communicated that an update is in the works, and should be ready sometime next week. We’ll keep you posted!

Twitterfy Your Blog

Did you know that your blog and your Twitter account can work together?

Adding some Twitter elements to your blog can pool together the audience for your blog with the audience for your Twitter account. Not only is it a way to promote on both platforms, but a way to generate interesting comments, and broaden your online community. For those of you who blog for class purposes, it’s a great way to reach outside of your classroom peers.

Automatically Tweet Links to Blog Posts

WordTwit is a plugin that generates a new Tweet every time you publish a new blog post. The embedded tweet below is an example of this plugin at work – it’s made up of the title of the blog post, a link to the post and any other text (including hashtags) you may want to add to all of your blog-based tweets.

Once activated, this plugin’s settings can be found under Settings > WordTwit. Just follow the on-screen instructions to authorize your Twitter account and get started!

Tip: Keep your blog post titles clear and concise! Remember that it needs to fit into a tweet, along with any added text and the link!

Display Tweets on your Blog

Tweet Blender is a sidebar widget that lists recent Tweets by a specified user, hashtag, or keyword!

Once activated, this plugin’s settings can be found under Settings > Tweet Blender. The most useful options are all in the General, Widgets and Archives tabs. Try different combinations of settings until it looks and works the way you want.

Tip: Enable the Archive page in Tweet Blender. This saves the tweets that it pulls into its own page. This is a great way to keep a record of tweets that were relevant to your blog!

Embed Tweets on a Post or Page

Tweets can be embedded in any post or page, with all of the original links intact! Not only does this allow you to share the information from the tweet, but it adds some visual interest that you wouldn’t get from simply cutting & pasting the text. You can also embed an entire conversation!

  1. Locate the tweet you want to embed, on*, and hover your mouse over it.
  2. Click the More button, and select Expand. Click the grey Details link, found next to the date of the tweet. This will open the tweet on its own page.
  3. Go to the address bar of your browser, at the top of the screen. Highlight, then copy the entire URL (web address) of the tweet into your clipboard, by right-clicking and selecting Copy from the contextual menu.
  4. In any post or page on your blog, click the Text tab on the textbox editor.
  5. Paste the code on its own line (not on the same line as any other text or content), by right-clicking in the editor window and selecting Paste from the contextual menu.
  6. Click Preview to see that it works before you Publish.

*Steps 1 & 2 are specific to If you use other apps to access tweets (like Tweet Deck, Hoot Suite, etc.), the steps to get to the tweet’s own webpage may be different.

Your embedded tweet will look something like this: